Thursday, February 7, 2008

So, here we go again

Well, I didn't think I would ever try this again, but since I have recruited an old high school friend into it, I suppose I should keep it up. I doubt you will see many photos on this blog because I do not own a digital camera. The only way a photo will make it on here, is if someone emails one to me.

Don't lose faith in me, I'll eventually have something worthy to write. Probably nothing witty or bold, but something. I'll probably plagiarize, steal or embellish alot, so just be ready for anything.

How do you people do it? You people that can also Scrapbook, write stories, cook amazing and creative meals, shave your legs daily (or faces for you men) and think of neat ways to WOW your signifigant other.(Oh okay...I guess shaving isn't creative, but you still have to find the time to do that too) I wish I could be more like you. I haven't a creative cell in my body. I strive for it, but once I review the finished product, I am all but bawling. I am more like the reliable 'ol Bessie that keeps producing the same milk day after day after day. Yes, it is a good thing to be predictable and such, but I would really like to be spontaneous and create somehting that will WOW someone. I have just run fresh out of ideas. The reason behind me bringing this up is because of the up coming holiday (or economical BOOSTER) I have not a clue as to what to do for my husband this year. I usually have what ever it is, planned and carried out by now, but I am staring at a blank page. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

Shaving can be creative.

Given his schedule, I think making some time with him at the expense of your own affairs would be a pretty meaningful gift. You know, a few dinner dates at three in the morning or whenever he has the time available, no matter how sleepy you are. Maybe you already do that, I dunno.

I don't know how you guys do it. Cristina and I would be going nuts.

Men like tools. You can always rely on this.

Anonymous said...

ha. see, the thing is, we HAVE done that and we DID go nuts.

i have no suggestions though. valentine's day and i have never gotten along well. the most we ever do is buy some cookies and call it a day. :)

Anonymous said...

Queen Anne cherries, if it's all the same to you. :)